2024 marks the second time I've participated in the Artist Project. It's the cities' pre-eminent showcase for independent artists, featuring over 200 exhibitors, an installation zone, an untapped area for student work, and always kicks off with a great opening night: performances, DJ sets and a fashion show (courtesy of Fashion Art Toronto) walking the show's aisles. Last year's Eureka! moment was realizing my small collages could be greatly enlarged (with careful photography, post-production and printing) increasing their impact and circumventing any issues with non-archival collage materials. I realized that these prints were actually "the work" and the original collages were just the creative stage of it. So this year I exhibited only framed prints in two sizes: 30" x 40" and 15" x 20" – in limited editions of 3 and 5 respectively. Several attendees who saw my work last year said they thought my work was stronger and more focussed this year. That was definitely how I felt, but it was reassuring to hear it from others. Nothing could have prepared me for how WILDLY successful this event would be for me - like, off the dial! I sold 5 large prints, 5 small prints and an original! I sold out of the 15 books I took... PLUS I was offered a public gallery show in 2025, with a couple of other public galleries expressing interest - and I secured a large prestigious commission! At the end of the day on Sunday I was rendered speechless. Very, very, VERY grateful, but speechless! I feel that – in coming out the month before – the Universe heard me and said," Oh, so you're going be your authentic self, finally? Confident? Happy? Yeah? Are you sure? OK then, here are all your prizes!" Grateful is the key word of this post – can you tell? A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out - it means the world to me and I am so, so grateful for the kindness and support! EXTRA Special Thanks to: • Hee-Gyun Yun and his family for printing and framing my work beautifully and flawlessly - I cannot recommend their Art Printing Studio in Oakville highly enough! • Kim-Lee Kho for her unflagging support. • David and Lauren Snell for all their support manning the booth and helping with take-down. • And, of course, the Artist Project for putting on such a well-organized and run event. If you missed the Artist Project this year, all of the framed prints I showed – as well as my NEW book, Kat Honey: Collage & Decollage 2 – are available here on my website! (Oh and if you saw something you liked LAST YEAR – those are still available as framed prints in both sizes, too). I've already re-booked for next year (May 8-11, 2025, Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place) – so I hope to see you there! My booth near the end of the show... Empty hooks = full grins!
In Situ Multi Arts Festival 2024
Starts Thursday March 21 ! In Situ Multi Arts Festival: The Lost Edition is March 21-23 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) evenings at the Small Arms Inspection Building in Mississauga! Do. Not. Miss. This. If. You. Can Possibly. Help. It! We've taken part in every one since the first one in 2016, and it is easily one of the best – and coolest! – things we take part in. A semi-renovated WW2 factory animated by installation artists, dancers, performers, musicians, visual artists – and more! Stunning work from students to professionals, food and drink – and sooo much great stuff to experience. Don't miss it! Presented by CreativeHub 1352, the fourth bi-annual, award winning InSitu Multi-Arts Festival returns to the Small Arms Inspection Building March 21-23, 2024, inviting the community to experience immersive art installations and performance. The Lakeview Village InSitu Multi-Arts Festival 2024: The Lost Edition will promote Mississauga artists and performers, attracting audiences from across Mississauga, Southern Ontario, and Canada in a 3 day celebration of visual and installation art, dance, music and Mississauga’s creative communities. Dive into a unique realm where The Lost Museum leaps from the digital to the physical in InSitu 2024: The Lost Edition. Join us for an immersive experience as artists transform into curators, crafting captivating narratives through interactive installations. Encounter physical and dance theatre artists as they embody Lost Museum 'employees,' enticing you to explore extraordinary collections in the enigmatic Small Arms Inspection Building locale. Embrace the fusion of art, performance, and community collaboration like never before! Tickets are just $10 each. Get them HERE! Our Virtual Collage Jam event at Gladstone House on Saturday to celebrate World Collage Day was a TON of fun! 12 collage artists gathered to work in Gladstone’s chic Robinson Room, and the camaraderie and creative energy was buzzing! Thanks to curator Lee Petrie for hosting the event and making sure we had everything we needed. Thanks to Kim's niece Jess for handling the livestream chat and Kim for her infectious enthusiasm! That was so much fun, we’ll have to do it again! If you have any ideas for future venues, please feel free to send me a suggestion! And if you want to hear about future in-person collage events BEFORE everyone else does – sign up for my email list! Subscribers hear first about new courses, workshops and events! Please share your collages in our Virtual Collage Jam Group on Facebook. (If you’re new, request to join, and I’l admit you.) Our next Virtual Collage Jam YouTube livestream will be Monday May 29, with the optional prompt of “Upon Reflection”. Saturday May 13, 2023. 1-4pm
$30.00 Live Workshop Limit: 12 Adults (14+) only You MUST sign up in advance for the in-person event. No tickets will be sold at the door. Join your fellow collage Jammers – in person or online – as we collage on the optional prompt of "At the Corner of Collage & Queen"! We'll be in Gladstone House's chic Robinson Room (see picture!) on the main floor just off the Melody Bar – and you'll be able to bring in snacks and drinks from the Bistro to enjoy while you collage! Our collage session runs from 1-4pm, and Kal and Kim will be streaming the World Collage Day edition of Virtual Collage Jam from 1:30-3:30pm. Click here for full details and to sign up for the in-person event at Gladstone House! This was my first year exhibiting at the Artist Project: Wow! I've attended the show several times before, and finally took the plunge this year to participate. It was awesome! I took a slew of new collages and poster-sized enlargements as limited-edition prints. The positive response I got from so many show attendees was so encouraging – lots of people who's eyes widened as they exclaimed that they loved this work! (Yay!) I had tons interesting conversations, and made many promising connections – including with interior designers and art consultants, and made a couple of significant sales! (Double Yay!) And SOOOO many friends, students and family came out to see and support me - honestly I can't thank you enough! I feel so very blessed to have such support! (Triple Yay!) The Artist Project is very well organized and run, which makes it a joy to be an exhibitor, and the breadth and calibre of artists in the show was really impressive. I'm already having ideas for next year's show! I'll definitely be back! It takes a village to show a Kal: And I had THE BEST VILLAGE! Huge thanks to: Kim-Lee Kho: For her love, her steadfast belief in my work, her idea to enlarge my collages and decollages (they just so rock at scale!), her design of my first book (which looks awesome!), her opening night support and just -- everything else. Andy Copp: Who helped me get all the work installed perfectly, sanely - with zero drama - and in record time, even with pleasant breaks to talk art. Andrea Lee: Who was such a quick study, almost immediately talking to prospects better than I could manage on a tired Fried-day! And for the many interesting conversations throughout the day about artistic and personal growth. Such a delight. David & Miriam Snell: Who tirelessly supported me though the shows busiest two days -- talking to attendees when I was on break or overwhelmed, taking photos, running for snacks or coffee.... and culminating in a smooth, friendly, co-operative and expeditious take down. You guys are the best! And a HUGE thanks to Hee-Gyun Yun and his son David at Art Printing Studio! They printed all my enlarged collages, and framed everything for the show – immaculately! Plus they made me some excellent cardboard transporation sleeves for my pieces as well. I cannot recommend them highly enough for printing, framing and a lot more! Top: The booth installed and ready to roll! Bottom: Yours truly talking to show attendees. Photos left & centre by David Snell; right by Andrea Lee.
On Monday November 29 at 2pm, Kim and I will be live-streaming our Virtual Collage Jam on my YouTube channel as usual — but from Gladstone House’s brand-new studio space! We'll be joined in the studio by a few lucky Virtual Collage Jammers. To join the Virtual Collage Jam list to get email notices of future events like this, sign up for my email list!
TOUR THE AMAZING RENOVATIONS! Before our Jam, Gladstone House curator Lee Petrie will introduce us to the hotel’s new contemporary design that honours the iconic hotel’s history, and a selection of work from the more than 50 artists showcased in the hotel. Tour will start at 1:30pm. Meet in the lobby. (This will also be live-streamed!.) TO JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS on Monday November 29, simply click on the photos above at 1:30 pm and 2pm respectively, or you can also find them on my YouTube Channel. We are SOOO looking forward to this! I hope you can join us! Warmest, Kal and Kim
... but there are plenty of classes with me online, as well as my FREE Virtual Collage Jam every other Monday!
Stay safe everyone! I started my FREE Virtual Collage Jam on March 30, 2020 as an offering to my artistic community so that we could create together -- taking our minds off the pandemic temporarily and feel connected. It took off like crazy, and turned into one of the best experiences of my life! We'd get together every Monday on Zoom, and then YouTube with a common prompt and a few cobbled-together collage materials, spend an hour and a half together talking art, collage, creativity, etc. -- while our hands kept busy making collages. You could feel the stress and anxiety subside as we worked together. Our private Facebook group became a hotbed of collage posting and sharing of ideas and encouragement -- it was truly beautiful!
Kim and I are now taking some time off to re-charge. We had a hectic Fall and early 2020 with two shows each in 3 months -- we were exhausted before covid hit... And when it did, we were compelled to respond as quickly as we could with online classes and our free events to help our community (and us) cope. It became a beautiful thing. We finally got to spend time together again -- such a treat. As designers, we used to work from our home, and now here we were again. Except for the covid anxiety, it felt wonderful. And we got to work with each other again, which was such a treat. We both LOVE having free YouTube events that anyone can join us for -- or you can watch the replays if you can't join live. Starting in September, our respective events will alternate on Saturday afternoons at 2pm, starting on September 19th with Kim's Virtual Studio Party, followed the next week by the return of my Virtual Collage Jam. |
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