In-Person Courses & Workshops: Autumn 2024
Abstract Expressionism: Paint & Collage Sat. Nov. 30 & Sun. Dec. 1, 2024 10am - 4:30pm TThis will be an evolution of my older, well-loved workshop (that artist STILL talk about) Gesture & Design: The Ying-Yang of Abstract Expressionism. In that workshop, we painted large-scale with big brushes, brushes on poles, etc. — very loose and expressive. Then the next day, we found crops, talked about composition and design, and worked up some paintings...
This time around, on the second day we'll cut up and collage with some of the first day's output, and mix in other collage materials, too. A $35 materials will cover paint, gesso, paper to paint on for day 1, and various other materials. |
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Collage & Decollage Saturday September 14, 2024 10am - 4pm Immediate, playful, responsive, challenging and insanely fun – that's collage! Get inspired by masterwork collage examples, then dive into making your own collages with guidance and encouragement from professional collage artist Kal Honey. You’ll learn basic collage techniques as we work on both collages and decollages – and your personal expression will be actively encouraged. Come out and get stuck on collage!