While I am so, SO grateful to now be double-vaxxed -- with the uncertainty about variants, I'm still being cautious.
I do not plan to teach anything in person until the end of 2021. At that point I'll check in and see how things are looking. AND -- I think we all have discovered significant advantages to learning online! It allows ME to reach more of you regardless of geographical location, and it allows YOU so much more ease and flexibility, too: • no commute time • no worries about traffic or weather conditions • no schlepping, packing and unpacking, tricky transport of wet work, etc. • with video recordings, if you can't make the live class time slot - you can still watch the video afterward - no missing out! • a really good look at the art history • and for my own courses, there's the added bonus of my private, course-specific Facebook groups where you can share your work with the other students in your class, commenting and encouraging each other -- and get written feedback from me too, of course! Many of you have expressed the hope that I'll keep teaching online even once we are finally - ACTUALLY though this pandemic. ABSOLUTELY!!! I prefer teaching online - and I can well imagine doing the majority of my instruction that way, and only teaching in-person for certain specific courses and workshops. Which do you prefer? leave me a comment below and let me know!
While I certainly DO look forward to being able to teach classes and workshops in person again - I won't be doing that until vaccinations get down to us regular folks, so that we can all safely enjoy each others company again!
Meanwhile, I have definitely found that I love teaching online, and it has allowed me to reach many of you who either live further afield or simply have trouble getting to classes for whatever reason. A nice silver lining to a challenging time. Stay safe everyone! With Kim's health being less-than-ideal, and the very real concern around a second wave of Covid, we have chosen to err on the side of caution and not do ANY teaching in-person until at least the beginning of 2021 -- and quite possibly longer, depending on the way things play out. On the plus side, we've both got tons of interesting online options to keep you creative -- see listings above!
Virtual Collage Jam is a real-time, weekly social collage-making session using the Zoom platform.
Work, chat & connect while indulging in some cut-and-paste therapy! Getting hands-on is very grounding, and collaging is tons of fun, regardless of level or ability. I'll be working (playing!) and chatting right alongside you. Get full details and sign up here! On the Minus Side:
While I will shortly be posting my scheduled Courses & Workshops at both Neilson Park Creative Centre and Visual Arts Mississauga, it seems unlikely that either centre will re-open in time for even a shortened Spring term... Fingers crossed, but don't hold your breath. On the Plus Side: Kim and I are both madly brainstorming various online options to help artists to come together virtually – for everything from structured online courses to informal studio work-together sessions. More on this soon – both here and via my email updates. Use my contact page to request to be added to my list to hear about these opportunities first! Meanwhile: Be kind to each other, help those in need, keep your distance, wash/sanitize frequently, connect with others virtually, and stay as positive as possible. We'll get through this together – it's the only way. Much love! Kal Indoor Street Art
Now's your second chance: Get your Urban Art vibe on - minus the weather! Saturday & Sunday March 21 and 22, 2020 at Neilson Park Creative Centre. On the street, art is vital, raw, democratic — and a lil’ dangerous! Why should street artists have all the fun? In the comfort of our studio, explore some of the ideas, themes and methods that make street art so compelling through inspiring examples and open-ended exercises. Get your urban vibe on — no sirens required! Saturday & Sunday, March 21 & 22, 9:30am-4pm Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Neilson Park Creative Centre: Courses
Collage & Mixed Media This course is designed as an ongoing investigation into the nature and potential of this versatile, visceral medium. With inspiring examples by collage masters, individual and group discussion and plenty of set and open-ended exercises, we’ll delve into a variety of artistic ideas and issues through collage. Thursdays, 9:30am-4pm, Jan. 23 - Feb. 13 (4 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. New Work from Old Life Drawings Got a ton of old life drawings squirrelled away? GREAT! Let’s rework them! This course will get you thinking and playing with endless new possibilities from those old drawings: cut, paste, reconfigure, distress, draw, paint over, under and through them! New designs, new narratives, new emotions = exciting new work! Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm, Feb. 20 - Mar. 12 (4 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Neilson Park Creative Centre: Weekend Workshops Indoor Street Art On the street, art is vital, raw, democratic — and a lil’ dangerous! Why should street artists have all the fun? In the comfort of our studio, explore some of the ideas, themes and methods that make street art so compelling through inspiring examples and open-ended exercises. Get your urban vibe on — no sirens required! Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 1 & 2, 9:30am-4pm Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Maps in Art Maps have long conveyed our geo-political world, and can now represent vast ranges of data and ideas -- from cyberspace to mindscapes. Maps are visually interesting and have great potential for personal expression. Through inspiring map art examples and exercises, we’ll spend the weekend mapping out some new artistic territory! Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 29 & Mar. 1, 9:30am-4pm Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Humber Valley Art Club (at Neilson Park) Painting: Creative Explorations Popular mentor and instructor for so many. Kal understands the rules and principles that hold so many of us back from discovering our own artistic style. This course is primarily about ideas and creativity, and how to push past the hiccups on your journey. Brief lectures with inspiring masterwork examples, will challenge you to Learn, Apply, Comprehend and Transcend! Wednesdays, Mar. 4, 11 & 25, 10am-3:30pm You must be or become a member to take Humber Valley courses & workshops. Visual Arts Mississauga: Courses Value 101 Value is your most powerful visual tool – but seeing the value underlying the colour takes knowledge and practice – get both in this quick-hit class! Through inspiring masterwork examples, discussion and structured exercises, you'll learn how to orchestrate compelling value relationships that make your paintings really work! Mondays, 9am–12pm, Jan. 20 & 27 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Composition 101 Composition isn’t rocket science: it’s simply visual principals that any artist can learn and apply. This quick-hit class demystifies the basics of composition through discussion of principles, masterwork examples and plenty of hands-on exercises. You’ll walk away with a quiver full of new ideas you can apply immediately! Mondays, 9am-12pm, Feb. 3 & 10 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Beginning Abstraction Are you stuck in your painting process? Perhaps you have mastered drawing or painting what’s in front of you, or perhaps representational painting doesn’t appeal to you but you are not sure how to take the next step. Abstraction may be the solution. Through examples, group discussion, hands-on exercises, and plenty of fun — you’ll try new ways of working, seeing and thinking to explore abstraction. If you’re curious but unsure about abstraction, start with this introductory course. Mondays, 1pm–4pm, Jan. 20 - Mar. 2 (6 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Neilson Park Creative Centre
Colour For Painters Colour is crucial… but — we all have favourites — and blind spots! Using colour theory and masterworks as jumping-off points, we’ll explore real-world combinations and relationships through structured and open-ended painter’s exercises — revisiting the basics and extending in new directions — always with plenty of room for personal direction! Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 3 (5 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Design With Collage Collage is unparalleled for training your compositional eye — so easy to play with size, position, cropping, colour, relationships… But the flexibility can also drive you insane! Through masterwork examples, discussion and plenty of hands-on, learn and apply timeless design principles to your collages. Cut-and-paste confidence starts here! Thursdays, 1pm-4pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 3 (5 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Visual Arts Mississauga Mixed Media With Maps Are you drawn to maps? Maps are visually interesting and have great potential for personal expression despite of their humble beginnings as identifiers of our geo-political world. Maps can now represent vast ranges of data and ideas — from cyberspace to mindscapes. Through inspiring map art examples and exercises, we’ll spend the day mapping out some new artistic territory! Monday Nov. 4, 9:30am–3:30pm Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Collage is the New Paint Have you ever tried to paint with paper? Do you wish your pictures could feel a bit fresher, a bit livelier? Try collage! Working with paper as paint helps you make unexpected and interesting decisions and discoveries, once you learn to apply basic strategies. With instructor guidance you can experience the fun and overcome unexpected challenges when you add collage to your tool box. Mondays, 9am–12pm, Nov. 11 - Dec. 2 (4 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Beginning Abstraction Are you stuck in your painting process? Perhaps you have mastered drawing or painting what’s in front of you, or perhaps representational painting doesn’t appeal to you but you are not sure how to take the next step. Abstraction may be the solution. Through examples, group discussion, hands-on exercises, and plenty of fun — you’ll try new ways of working, seeing and thinking to explore abstraction. If you’re curious but unsure about abstraction, start with this introductory course. Mondays, 1pm–4pm, Nov. 11 - Dec. 2 (4 weeks) FULL. Be sure to register early for the winter term! Queen West Art Crawl September 21-22
For me, the fall art season always kicks off with the Queen West Art Crawl, a 2-day outdoor art exhibition in Trinity Bellwoods Park — in the heart of Toronto’s funky Queen West. Featuring 200 artists, live music, food vendors, Steam Whistle beer tent and kids area, it makes for the perfect art weekend destination. Saturday and Sunday, 11am-6pm I’ll be in my usual spot, straight up the main path from Queen Street: booth J10. Come on by and say hi! Neilson Park Creative Centre: Presentation UnStuck! Strategies for Staying Positive and Productive in the Studio All artists experience creative ebb and flow in their work. Sometimes the stars are in alignment and everything ticks along beautifully. Other times, not so much! In this presentation, artist and instructor Kal Honey will address the inevitable ups and downs of a creative life, sharing insights and strategies for dealing with some of the more common pitfalls of artistic process: getting creative again after a setback or time away, the importance of “failures”, the pros and cons of perseverance, evaluating your work-in-progress, asking yourself the right questions, overcoming negative thoughts and more! In equal parts inspiring and re-assuring, this talk is for anyone who’s ever doubted their creative process and product. FREE! Sunday Sept. 29, 12:30-2pm Registration HERE (or call 416-622-5294) is preferred, but not essential. Neilson Park Creative Centre: Courses Gesture and Design: The Yin-Yang of Abstract Expressionism The beauty of abstract expressionism was the successful marriage of gestural mark-making with considered design. But how does one achieve this diametrical balance? In this course we'll follow Franz Kline's example, first working expressively —large and loose, then honing in on interesting compositions to expand into full-fledged paintings. $25 materials fee payable to the instructor Thursdays, 9:30am-4pm, Oct. 3- 31 – (5 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Colour For Painters Colour is crucial… but — we all have favourites — and blind spots! Using colour theory and masterworks as jumping-off points, we’ll explore real-world combinations and relationships through structured and open-ended painter’s exercises — revisiting the basics and extending in new directions — always with plenty of room for personal direction! Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 3 (5 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Design With Collage Collage is unparalleled for training your compositional eye — so easy to play with size, position, cropping, colour, relationships… But the flexibility can also drive you insane! Through masterwork examples, discussion and plenty of hands-on, learn and apply timeless design principles to your collages. Cut-and-paste confidence starts here! Thursdays, 1pm-4pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 3 (5 weeks) Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Neilson Park Creative Centre: Life Drawing & Painting With model and convenor (that’s me) but no instruction, expand your repertoire and explore the joys of creating compositions with the figure. Use drawing and water-based media. Morning short poses. Afternoon, long poses. Take either morning or afternoon or both and make a day of it! Fridays, 9:30am-12:30pm and 1-4pm, Sept. 27 - Nov. 29 (No sessions Oct. 11 or Nov. 15) 8 weeks Register HERE or call 416-622-5294. Visual Arts Mississauga: Art Appetizers (2-weeks each) Colour 101: Contrasts Whether it is found in nature or neon signs, colour is a big reason why we paint! Through inspiring masterwork examples, discussion and structured exercises (both swatches and real-life painting) you’ll learn how to orchestrate compelling relationships between your context colours and your star colours. Mondays, 9am–12pm, Sept. 30 & Oct. 7 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Stencil Jam So many great stencils at art stores — but isn’t it cheating? No! Just as with collage, the real art to using off-the-rack stencils is how your combine them, layer them, use parts of them - harnessing their strengths and transcending their limitations. Mondays, 1–4pm, Sept. 30 & Oct.7 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Colour 101: Harmonies How do you create harmonious colour? Colour that’s too similar is boring. Colour that’s too different is jarring. Through inspiring masterwork examples, discussion and structured exercises; learn how to choose, modify and arrange colours to achieve those elusive harmonies, and make your colours sing! Mondays, 9am–12pm, Oct 21 & 28 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Custom Stencils Addicted to using stencils? Take it to the next level — by cutting your own! Learn to recognize, adjust and create images that makes for good stencilling, then cut some yourself in different materials. Crisp edges, colour variations, layers, fades — let the stencil games begin! Mondays, 1–4pm, Oct 21 & 28 (2 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Visual Arts Mississauga: 1-Day Workshop Mixed Media With Maps Are you drawn to maps? Maps are visually interesting and have great potential for personal expression despite of their humble beginnings as identifiers of our geo-political world. Maps can now represent vast ranges of data and ideas — from cyberspace to mindscapes. Through inspiring map art examples and exercises, we’ll spend the day mapping out some new artistic territory! Monday Nov. 4, 9:30am–3:30pm Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Visual Arts Mississauga: Courses Collage is the New Paint Have you ever tried to paint with paper? Do you wish your pictures could feel a bit fresher, a bit livelier? Try collage! Working with paper as paint helps you make unexpected and interesting decisions and discoveries, once you learn to apply basic strategies. With instructor guidance you can experience the fun and overcome unexpected challenges when you add collage to your tool box. Mondays, 9am–12pm, Nov. 11 - Dec. 2 (4 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Beginning Abstraction Are you stuck in your painting process? Perhaps you have mastered drawing or painting what’s in front of you, or perhaps representational painting doesn’t appeal to you but you are not sure how to take the next step. Abstraction may be the solution. Through examples, group discussion, hands-on exercises, and plenty of fun — you’ll try new ways of working, seeing and thinking to explore abstraction. If you’re curious but unsure about abstraction, start with this introductory course. Mondays, 1pm–4pm, Nov. 11 - Dec. 2 (4 weeks) Register HERE or call 905-277-4313. Kim's Gallery Walk and Talk June 22
Saturday June 22 sees the return of Kim-Lee Kho’s popular Gallery Walk & Talk, which I always assist with. We LOVE these walks, and so do participants! It’s always a congenial group, and we see some great art and have some wonderful conversations about what we see. This edition we’ll be visiting the recently re-opened MOCA, and we’re busy hatching a few other enticing destinations to round out a great afternoon! Haliburton School of Art + Design Landscapes: Real, Imagined & Altered Please note: This course is not suitable for beginners. Who hasn’t rendered a landscape at some point in their art-making? Well-known or never-before-seen, real or imagined, fact or fiction — place has an endless capacity to speak to us as artists, captivating us to attempt to capture and express what it is that’s moving, intriguing, haunting us. But this ain’t your conventional landscape course! Designed to get you moving past simply capturing the scene, this course begins with individual artistic field research in the beauty of the nearby Haliburton environment — honing your observational skills. Once back in the studio, you will be challenged to interpret and transform your findings in increasingly expressive and conceptual ways, expanding into guided but self-directed exploration of personal ideas. Some structure and support, lots of creative latitude! Come explore some new artistic territory. Monday to Friday, July 22 – July 26, 9 am – 4:30pm Register HERE or call 1-866-353-6464 ext.3 Watercolour Painting – Experimental Challenge your preconceptions about what constitutes a watercolour painting and how it might be created. Through both set and self-directed exercises, you will be encouraged to be as adventurous as possible in your media combinations, methods and subject matter. Group discussion and personal attention will enable you to better understand and develop your artistic vision. If you're already excited about your current direction — develop it, push it further. If you're stuck - become unblocked in a creative, non-threatening environment. If you're just beginning, explore the vast array of options and start to find your path, your voice. This course is both safe haven and launching point: personal expression and direction are paramount, and at every turn you will be encouraged to hear and trust your inner compass in boldly exploring new directions. All levels and abilities are welcome - you need only an open mind and an adventurous spirit. $20 materials fee. Monday to Friday, July 29 – August 2, 9 am – 4:30pm Register HERE or call 1-866-353-6464 ext.3 |
Courses, Workshops & LecturesThis page is updated at least once per term with current and upcoming offerings. Archives
September 2021
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